FAU Climate READY Ambassadors Institute

TBA, 2025

    • Download Program Flier | Online Application Form
    • (Deadline for Application - TBA).

Climate Resilience Education & Action for Dedicated Youth

Climate READY Ambassadors

Climate READY  is an innovative dual enrollment program that empowers high school students to become knowledgeable and effective voices for climate resilience in their communities.

The program prepares FAU Climate READY Ambassadors as youth leaders to take action and help communities become more resilient to environmental challenges and work together toward equitable climate solutions.

Students are able to earn 3 dual-enrollment credits  through Florida Atlantic University's College of Education or up to 80 community service hours. This program was originally created through the  Environmental Literacy Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)  

Program Information

An intensive week-long  residential experience for high school students. Students will build climate knowledge,explore the changing planet with NOAA Science On a Sphere technology, engage with climate scientists and resilience experts, develop communication  and advocacy skills, learn about local climate solutions, and develop resilience plans for their communities. All participants reside in FAU Jupiter campus dormitories for the week, with field trip excursions to local sites to learn about climate resilience first hand. Ambassadors, participants will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become climate resilience advocates in their communities.

Program Fee: $975 per participant (FAU fees required also: $10 owl card/ $32.04 Transportation Fee)

Fee includes:
- FAU residential accommodation at Jupiter MacArthur Campus
- Food, drinks and snacks for the duration of the program
- Busing to offsite locations
- FAU Pine Jog staff supervision
- Access to FAU science and education staff
- 3 credit hours (available for FAU dual enrolled students)

Climate Ready kids

Who is Elligible?

Applicants currently must be a high school student in Palm Beach County for dual enrollment credit in the summer. Students from Broward County may participate as non-dual enrolled and receive community service hours for attendance (80). To be eligible for dual enrollment credit, applicants must meet all requirements and apply for acceptance as an FAU dual enrollment student. 


Dual enrollment requirements include:

- Enrolled in grades 9-12 in either a Palm Beach, home education program, or approved private school
- Receive approval from your high school (via the signed Permission Form)

  • - Students in grade 9 must have at least a 3.5 unweighted cumulative high school GPA. 
  • - Students in grades 10-12 must have at least a 3.0 unweighted cululative high school GPA.

- Have completed at least 4 high school credits, with 1 credit in English and 1 in math
- Take the ACT, SAT, CLT, Accuplacer, or PERT and achieve all of the minimum scores on any one test (listed below). Scores from different tests cannot be mixed and matched.

Test Reading/Verbal Writing/ English Mathematics/Algebra
A.C.T. 19 17 19
Next. Gen. Accuplacer(Through 2022) 245 245 242
Next. Gen. Accuplacer(FromAug.2022) 256 253 261
P.E.R.T 106 103 114


Test Reading/Writing Mathematics
S.A.T. 490 480
C.L.T. 38 16

**For information on scheduling a test, please visit The FAU Testing and Evaluation website.

How Do I Apply?

Application is due by TBA, 2025

To apply, please submit the  Climate READY Application  and required documents listed below (please upload documents through application).

  • One teacher recommendation letter.
  • FAU dual enrollment eligibility documents (if seeking dual enrollment credit)

      -FAU Dual Enrollment Permission Form (information to include - Summer 2025, EDG 4930 / Community Resilience Outreach / 3 credits) 

      -Proof of current high school GPA (cumulative, unweighted)

      -Proof of eligible test scores (taken within 2 years of start of semester)

  • Students seeking dual enrollment credit are also required to complete the FAU  Online Registration Form  (Non-Degree Application) by TBA, 2025.

  For more information about the Climate READY program, please contact the Climate READY Program Coorindator, Dr. Rachel Wellman at wellmanr@fau.edu  or (561)-297-6605.

This webpage was previously prepared by Florida Atlantic University under award No. NA20SEC0080016 from the Environmental Literacy Program of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. The statements, findings, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or the U.S. Department of Commerce.